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Virtual Currency Now on the 2020Tax Return Form- How to file Crypto Taxes

For years now, we have not had to report to the government about our buying and selling of virtual money until this year 2021 for our 2020 tax returns. I called my accountant to inform him that I received a form from some of the exchanges that I deal with stating that they reported the purchase of virtual currency to the government. I was surprised to see that this happening right now. So my question to you is:   Have you received any information from Coinbase, Square, and some of the other exchanges stating that they are reporting your cryptocurrency purchases to the government. If you did not get a statement in the mail then you were sent an email stating to print out the form. If you have been purchasing cryptocurrency, please keep all of your records from all of the exchanges that you have made a purchase with to ensure whether you have profits or losses. Consult with a Tax Accountant to ensure that you have all the right documentation to document your purchases. Hopefully...

Life Before Stay at home Orders - 6 Feet apart and Covid -19- 2020

Wow, who would have thought that we would be social distancing from each other?   Just this past January, I went to visit my great aunt since I had been promising that I would come to visit. In the meantime, I was invited to a surprise 90th birthday celebration for my great aunt. It was truly a surprise to my great aunt who was so humble and thankful for the kindness, thoughtfulness, and gifts that she received. She shared with us that she thought that she would not see her 90th birthday cause she was recovering from a recent illness.  Thank God for a vibrant healthy strong black woman who has accomplished much during her 90 years. It was an intimate gathering of family members and close friends; where we shared in hugs, kisses, good wishes, and great conversations.  After being sick for a week following my birthday, I went to dinner with friends to celebrate.  My son and his girlfriend surprised me with a visit. During this visit, I got a chance to talk with...

P.S.P. to help grow your Business with Van Darden

                                  What does PSP mean? Many entrepreneurs and business owners are looking for new ways to grow their businesses during this pandemic. Last year, I started asking myself what is the simplest formula to get people to become new customers in a non-threatening way. A way that would put everyone at ease. I came up with    Participate Signup Purchase  or  (PSP) which is the main goal of any business owner, right?  You are asked to just take a look or just listen to a webinar or pre-recorded call, you are participating, right? Well, I came up with PSP because that is what we do. We participate, then we signup and finally, we made a purchase. It's that simple. You are the business owner desiring new customers who want what you are selling or they need what you are selling and who find value in what you are selling. My formula is simple. ...

4 month Review of CT Passive with Van Darden (A.K.A. Ms.Smiles)

My name is Van Darden also known as Ms.Smiles. I am an active member of CT Passive. Today, I will be conducting a 4-month review of CT Passive which is a passive income stream resource for earning Bitcoins. Why I joined CT Passive Last year, I had joined several crypto opportunities hoping to earn bitcoin. That was not the case. I earn some bitcoin but for the most,I did not earn anything, however, many of the crypto programs closed down leaving me and my team empty-handed.  During this phase of my crypto journey, I learned a very valuable lesson.  Crypto programs have a shelf life that can be short-lived depending on the structure of the software.  Frankly, I got tired of joining crypto programs that only last a few months and have no sustainability and only earning little to no profit. Having said that, last December 2019, I join a digital program called CT Passive which is what the name implies earning digital coins in a passive manner over a period of 100...

1.5% Daily with CTPASSIVE- Compounding is the Answer

Dear Friend: Have you been searching for ways to earn money, however, you never seem to earn more than pennies on a dollar? Recently, after several tries, I found a top passive program that offers promise and pays 1.50 daily and pays in Bitcoin. I joined on Dec.31, 2019 and already, I have earned $1.50 on my two positions. Each position costs just 5 dollars. Once, I earn 5 dollars, I then can purchase another position straight out of earnings. This is a great starter passive program for those who want to learn how BTC works and earn BTC at the same time. Join Today with just $5 Dollars

Abraham Hicks ~ You Are Supposed To Be Happy Under All Conditions

My happiness is bring more happiness to me. So just be happy.