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Life Before Stay at home Orders - 6 Feet apart and Covid -19- 2020

Wow, who would have thought that we would be social distancing from each other? 

Just this past January, I went to visit my great aunt since I had been promising that I would come to visit. In the meantime, I was invited to a surprise 90th birthday celebration for my great aunt.

It was truly a surprise to my great aunt who was so humble and thankful for the kindness, thoughtfulness, and gifts that she received. She shared with us that she thought that she would not see her 90th birthday cause she was recovering from a recent illness.

 Thank God for a vibrant healthy strong black woman who has accomplished much during her 90 years. It was an intimate gathering of family members and close friends; where we shared in hugs, kisses, good wishes, and great conversations.

 After being sick for a week following my birthday, I went to dinner with friends to celebrate.  My son and his girlfriend surprised me with a visit. During this visit, I got a chance to talk with my son and his friend and shortly before they left, I got a chance to get a long hug and a kiss on the cheek.

 In the following months, life would change drastically from what we were custom to living.

At the end of February, I would return my girlfriend her keys that she left in my car before she went to New York. I would continue to drive for Lyft until the middle of March just before COVID-19 cases started to be reported in North Carolina. Then, I put myself on a14 day self-quarantine since I had been driving.prior to the first reported COVID 19 case. I am feeling great with no symptoms, however, I am continuing to follow the s shelter in place order issued by the governor. 

Since then, I have been practicing social distancing.

6 FEET apart has become our new normal. 
Stay at Home orders from the government has become the new mandate if we want to stay healthy, alive, and decrease the spread of Covid-19.

To keep balance, I started growing vegetables( Tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and squash). Watching them grow has allowed me some positive hope that things will get better.

Staying at home and living by oneself offers some challenges emotionally. I coped with those challenging emotions by reading God's word on healing, confident, and standing firm on God's promises and reflecting on the things that I can change. 

Sharing positive sayings has helped me get through the challenging days. Speaking on the phone with loved ones and friends has served as a check-in point to ensure that everyone is doing well.

Making the best of 6 feet apart means: when I  am speaking with my neighbors, I make sure that I am standing 6 feet away from them.
Making the best of 6 feet apart means: telling friends and family members that they can't come in. This is been the hardest for me. I love people.

Making the best of 6 feet apart means: when I am shopping to always be aware of 6 feet apart. Some people will still stand too close. 

However, the stores are doing a better job marking off 6 feet apart and new technology is emerging to help ensure people are keeping six feet apart.

As the country starts to reopen, we have to be considerate of others by wearing our mask when in large groups gatherings and keeping six feet apart and sanitizing our hands frequently especially when entering and exiting buildings and cars.

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