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Determined to Finish What I Started

                               DETERMINATION LEADS TO SUCCESS

Are you just here wasting another day trying to decide on a course of action? What have you been determined to do? I know that feeling of lost when everything you touch just seems to go south, dead, right? if you are like me,you  have to decide that you are going to be DETERMINED to begin or finish something that you have planned to do. Are you tired of not doing anything or very little about that project.?
Well let me tell you about a project that I started over 40 years ago. I started crocheting a blanket for the baby that I carrying. Then life just happened. I would work on this blanket saying am going to finish it tomorrow and tomorrow never came. I moved. I brought a house and worked on the blanket some more still determined to finish it.. I would work on the blanket some more however I never finished it.It's 39 years later and I still had not finished that blanket that my son should have been wrapped up in when he was a baby. [Determined to finish]  Mind you now, I moved again, retired from my job of 34 years and yet that blanket is still packed away for the ump teen time. I been unpacking boxes for two years now. I finally got all the boxes in the garage unpacked and that was a job. Whew! Right, then I run across that unfinished baby blanket then I decided that it was time to finish that baby blanket which T crocheted into a full size blanket for a n adult son. Determined to have it finished by his 39th birthday, I crocheted day and night for about four months until I had the size that I desired. Boy was I glad to finally had completed something that I started thirty-nine years ago. My son was so happy. He said " Mom, you finally finished it." The smile on his face meant the world to me.

So, why am I sharing this story with you? To show you that if you will be DETERMINED you can accomplish anything no matter how long it takes.


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