What was I doing when the Twin Towers was bombed on Sept.11, 2011?
I was working the night shift at the Frederick Mail Facility in Frederick,Maryland. The shift had just ended and I was processing paperwork to report on the tour's performance; when I heard the awful news of the airplane crashing into the Twin Towers. I was numb. I thought about my mom and other family members who live in New York. I wondered were they okay. The telephone lines were down. The cell phones were not working due to the extensive calls being made to check on family and friends My son at the time was stationed in Iraq. My daughter-in-law was pregnant with our first granddaughter Mya. My heart is pounding and I am crying for those that lost their lives in the bombing. I remember feeling helpless. The only way that I knew how to help was to pray.
Today sixteen years later, I give thanks to God for sparing so many lives that could have been lost I thank God for my granddaughter who will be sixteen in December. I share the story of 911 with her since this was a major event that happened in the year that she was born. I am so thankful to God for showing us mercy and grace. We were put on notice by this[ horrific catastrophic] event that changed our whole world. and taught us to stop and pay closer attention to the world around us. That day for me, felt like the world just stood still in awe of what just had happened. I could not believe that someone would want to hurt us so badly. However, we took that notice and began to defend our freedom; the freedom that we took for granted. We collected ourselves, we took stock and prepared to defend what was precious to us[OurFreedom].We did stop. We stopped to comfort and console each other. We remember that we are human beings wanting to live in peace and harmony with our neighbors

Remembering the fallen. People helping people. God Bless America! As you remember 911, tell someone that you love them.
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