How many of you dispose of unwanted things, especially unwanted newspapers, old documents, and unwanted mail? What method do you use to get rid of all that junk? Do you recycle? Do you shred it or do you burn it?
Well, I decided to burn all of my junk especially the paper material. For months, I had been collecting all of my unwanted mail, paper bags, old documents that I found while cleaning out my garage. By now, I had a total of one basket and five boxes full of paper material. It's time to burn it all.
It's a beautiful Saturday morning in January. I have been around the house cleaning and mapping out my plans for the day. It's about 10 a.m. in the morning on Saturday, I went to the hardware store to purchase a trash can for burning paper. This can is galvanized that has holes in the sides to let the smoke out.
I placed the can several feet from the house in event of a fire. I went back to the house to start gathering the paper for the fire. I placed some papers in the can then I struck the match and started the fire. It was slowly starting to burn the paper. Again, I went back to the house to get some more paper to burn. Everything up to this point is going well.
All of a sudden under the bottom of the can; the grass caught fire. I ran into the house to get my cell phone as I saw the fire engulfing the grass and coming near the house. By this time, my fingers would not move. I called out in a loud voice," Fire, Fire, Fire", however, no one heard me. Then I saw my neighbor Matt in his car and said "Fire", he immediately got out of his car and called the fire department. My other neighbor, Mr. Terry comes from across the road and began immediately putting out the fire with Joshua's water hose on the other side of my deck. Now, the firemen have arrived and spread the ground and deck putting out the flames.
All I could do was stand there for a while, watching my neighbors and the firemen working to put out the fire. By this time, my neighbor handed me his water hose and I was able to start applying water to the fire that was nearest to me. I have never felt so helpless. I could not think., nor could I moved. I watched while the fire spread like water right before my eyes. I knew then that God was with me.
Normally, my neighbors are not home on a Saturday. Knowing that God sent his angels to aid me in a time of distress; I am so grateful knowing that God protected me and extended to me his grace, mercy and his loving kindness. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with good neighbors who showed their love for me. I am forever so grateful. I cannot say thank you enough to my neighbors, Matthew, Mr. Terry, Joshua, Chris, and the 210- Benson-Fire Department who responded immediately resulting in minimum damage to ourselves and our property.
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