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Showing posts from March, 2021

Virtual Currency Now on the 2020Tax Return Form- How to file Crypto Taxes

For years now, we have not had to report to the government about our buying and selling of virtual money until this year 2021 for our 2020 tax returns. I called my accountant to inform him that I received a form from some of the exchanges that I deal with stating that they reported the purchase of virtual currency to the government. I was surprised to see that this happening right now. So my question to you is:   Have you received any information from Coinbase, Square, and some of the other exchanges stating that they are reporting your cryptocurrency purchases to the government. If you did not get a statement in the mail then you were sent an email stating to print out the form. If you have been purchasing cryptocurrency, please keep all of your records from all of the exchanges that you have made a purchase with to ensure whether you have profits or losses. Consult with a Tax Accountant to ensure that you have all the right documentation to document your purchases. Hopefully...

Life Before Stay at home Orders - 6 Feet apart and Covid -19- 2020

Wow, who would have thought that we would be social distancing from each other?   Just this past January, I went to visit my great aunt since I had been promising that I would come to visit. In the meantime, I was invited to a surprise 90th birthday celebration for my great aunt. It was truly a surprise to my great aunt who was so humble and thankful for the kindness, thoughtfulness, and gifts that she received. She shared with us that she thought that she would not see her 90th birthday cause she was recovering from a recent illness.  Thank God for a vibrant healthy strong black woman who has accomplished much during her 90 years. It was an intimate gathering of family members and close friends; where we shared in hugs, kisses, good wishes, and great conversations.  After being sick for a week following my birthday, I went to dinner with friends to celebrate.  My son and his girlfriend surprised me with a visit. During this visit, I got a chance to talk with...

It's not too Late to buy Bitcoin- Get started Today!

  Coinbase is the easiest place to buy and sell cryptocurrency. Use my Referral Code   and get $5 in free Bitcoin.* Many people feel that they have missed the boat when it comes to buying crypto especially Bitcoin.  Yea, we all could have brought it when it was just 10 cents even when it went to $100, however, we didn't because we did not understand it or we didn't believe that we could make money with a digital currency. Guess what, we have not missed the boat. What I learned is that we can buy bitcoin in increments of 10, 20, or 100 on any exchange.  I recommend Coinbase . This is the one that I am using to buy my bitcoin. Also, there is an added bonus, you can do the Earn Rewards on Coinbase and earn some other crypto and learn their functionality and watch them increase in value. .Do not wait. Buy bitcoin while it is low and then hold on to it. Join Coinbase and get free Bitcoin when you use my referral code and buys or sell $100 of crypto.  Click Her...